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5 reasons why a simple life makes you happier.

 5 reasons why   simple life makes     you happier.

With this rapid increase in technology and increasing complexity of human needs. The more we fulfill our desires more and more desires arise, and we work even harder to fulfil this desires. We get busy doing all this things and have no time for ourselves and then we get stressed. 

So what actually would make us happy? The answer is simple. That's it simple. A simple life can make us happier. 

Here are 5 reasons why simpler life makes you happier 

1. You get more time to study yourself. 

Everyone you got to movies, or go for shopping, or scroll down pages in social media and read stuffs you feel relaxed and happy. But that relaxation you get is extremely short. That's because your mind doesn't get any rest as you're distracted about what is gonna happen next, be it a movie or anything.

If you can free yourself from these distractions you will have more time to reflect yourself. Once you do this, you'll eventually shift your life to find inner peace and simplicity. And you'll be happier in no time regardless of your financial status.

2.Better health

Focusing less on material possessions and focusing more on your family and relationships will improve your mental health.
Complex lifestyle fuel various unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking and therefore destroys ones health. Better health does not only improve our mental heath but also makes a big impact on our physical well being. 
Heath is the greatest wealth after all. 

3.Focus more and fewer distractions. 

Research says that an average person checks his/her mobile every 12 minutes. Many say that phones and social media are great distractions. But aren't we the one who buy them and get ourselves distracted? If we utilize technology wisely it wouldnt be a distraction but it would rather be a blessing that makes our lives much easier. 

So, the next time you sit to read a book or something make sure to turn off your mobile. If you can stay a whole day without your mobile then it means that you have simplified your life to an extent. 

4.Save environment 

With all of us being busy. We don't have time to interact with the nature around us. Simplifying your life will bring you time for that. It is very well known that spending time with nature reduces mental stress and brings happiness and peace to your mind. 

5.Strengthening relationships 

We are always busy in our work and have no time for our loved ones. Simplifying your life will give you time which you can invest on your loved ones. 
Maintaining healthy relationships will improve your mental health. 

The complex nature of our lifestyles have hidden us from reality of life. Thus living simple will make us understand the world better as we have more time to reflect things. So master the art of living rather than doing. 

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