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If your not happy with your life then read this

If your not happy with your life then change it, move on, it's all in your hands.

Most of the time we all aren't happy with our lives. We get stuck with large loads of work and do not get to enjoy the day and at the end of the day we end up being all disappointed and empty. We get terrified of the unknown which is yet to come and we sacrifice our happiness being all sad. 

If your not happy of where your in your life right now then MOVE, your not a tree

If your not happy being with your friends then LEAVE. 

There is nothing that you should stay with your Freinds even when they treat you badly. If you feel that theyr influencing you in a negative way then you have the freedom to move away from this influence. You should surround yourself with people who make you feel positive. 

If your not happy with your relationship then END IT. 

If your partner makes you feel sad and dissatisfied of yourself each and everyday then end it that isn't the person for you. A true relationship is not only of endless kisses and hugs . It is more than romantic dates and endless talks. A true relationship will change you completely and make you a better version of yourself. So if your partner is a person who makes you feel bad about everything then it is better if you move out of it. 

If your happy living in your city then MOVE. 

You might be tired of staying in a particular place for years. But you might also be afraid of moving away from the place and take risks because your not confident. However you will realize the true happiness of life only when your ready to take this risks and tasks because it will be totally worth it. 

FINALLY, if your not happy with the view of your life, THEN CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE . 

Dont start stressing over things you can't change. You can only change yourself and the way you see things. So enjoy life the way it is and be happy with whatever you have. 

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