Most relationships fail because of the failure of language of love. Language of love is not the language we use in our daily life. It is not the language you use with your parents, co-workers or the people you meet in the road.It is the language you use to show your inner feelings.The language you use to say how emotional you are feeling. Perhaps, it might be something only you two know.
In many cases, we dont express ourselves. Yet, we expect so much in return. Sometimes you might want something from your partner but you dont ask them and expect more from them. But how are they supposed to know that you were expecting such things when you never say them. And then is it fair to make fights because of these small matters? Obviously it isn't fair as the partner has no idea that you were expecting something from them.
Today, most relationships fail basically because of the failure of this love language. It is not a shame or a wrong to say what you feel to your loved ones.
1.Directly ask them what you want.
Most people dont ask what they want from their partner and expect them to give what they want. How will the partner want to know that we're expecting this from them,They're not mind readers or Gods. There's nothing wrong in saying or asking your partner what you want or what you desire.Do you think it will take romance off the affair.
We idealize lovers on a flat screen and thus, we expect our lovers to do the same. To surprise you on your birthday, to have romantic dates and to do many more things. But, remember you are not acting on a movie. Your life is not a movie script. We have to deal with real people and real situations and therefore, we should keep in mind that your lover is also another human like you and he can also do mistakes.
2.People express their love in different.
Five basic aspects of language of love are words, gifts, actions, physical actions and time.You feel your ignored if one of these aspects are absent in a relationship.
Sometimes you might be giving your partner gifts, allocating all your free time for them and do your best to please them. But what is these actions are not reciprocated. You would feel that your partner doesnt care for you as much as you care for them. Therefore the relationship starts to fail. Its not some extraordinary fact or act of being selfish. Its just human nature.
3.So what do we have to do exactly?
The most important thing is not to make your life complex. Always try to do your best for your partner. Because, by doing the best, you can hope for the best.
Use the language of love efficiently and do not let your relantionship fail.